( 3 days and 2 nights )
From Tuxtla to Tuxtla
TUXTLA AIRPORT, move to dock for touring in a boat through the Sumidero Canyon, one of the most spectaculars natural reserves in Mexico; it is a geological failure formed 36 million years ago with walls of calcarea type elevating to more than 1,000 m., caves and cascades among which it is the “Christmas Tree”, a rocky structure. Before the end of the tour, you visit CHIAPA DE CORZO, a town that was the first settlement founded by the Spaniards with its Mudejar fountain know as “La Pila”, built in the XVI century; it is sample of the colonial architecture with an Arabic influence. Move to hotel in San Cristobal de las Casas.
Must arrive on any flight before 13:00 hrs
Departure form San Cristóbal via Comitan de Dominguez, visiting Chincultic interesting archeological Mayan site adding spectacularity of the location dominating the lakes zone and the broad Comitecos valleys; then visit five of the 56 Montebello lagoons, famous for the different color of the water due to the type of the underwater ground, vegetation and refraction of light. On the way back, visiting the pottery community of AMATENANGO DEL VALLE, famous because of the hand made crafts of clay fired in a open wooden oven.
Visit on foot the city of San Cristobal, market of fruit and vegetables, handcrafts market, churches of Santo Domingo and Cathedral; then in a van, move to a tzotzil community, SAN JUAN CHAMULA, famous because its traditions and festivities, it has one of the most enigmatic churches in the country; in its interior, the Chamulas participate in syncretic rituals creating a magic atmosphere. Then, move to ZINACANTAN, another tzotzil community, its temple is from the colonial age, though redecorated as neoclassic in the XIX century. In its interior it is possible to appreciate the peculiar mixture of catholic and indigenous beliefs. Most of the Zinacantecos cultivate flowers which colors remind us the color of their customs. At the end we move Tuxtla Gutierrez airport.
We finish at Airport at 15:30 hrs. aproximated.